
Online Trademark Registration

Online Trademark Registration IMPI

Online Trademark Registration In order to register your trademark online it is necessary to have your FIEL signature, which can only be obtained through the SAT portal by filing taxes in Mexico.

How to register a trademark online at IMPI?

You must have your FIEL signature by making an appointment at the SAT.

Then you must register at IMPI with a username and password and log in,

Capture the application for your trademark you must upload files such as logos or designs or images in which you will attach in a pdf for this we recommend a lawyer to advise you if you do not have one you can request it here,

Make the corresponding payment at the bank window or online with your credit card.

Finally you will sign with your FIEL Signature and you will have to wait from 1 to 7 months while your trademark is reviewed by the IMPI at the beginning you will be able to download your electronic acknowledgement.

How much does it cost to renew a brand in Mexico?

The cost of renewing a trademark can vary depending on how many classes your trademark is registered in as well as if your trademark has nominative and three-dimensional registrations. If all this sounds strange to you, it is recommended that you consult a trademark attorney and you can do so here.

Registro de marca en linea
Online Trademark Registration

How long does it take to register a trademark with IMPI?

The registration of a Mixed, nominative or any other type of trademark registration has a duration of 10 years or a validity period to be able to renew it after the Mexican Institute of Industrial Property has filed it, as established in article 95 of the Industrial Property Law.

Duracion de registro de marca
register your trademark online

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