
Trademark registration in México

Trademark registration in México if you want to register your trademark in mexico you should know that it has different filters and specifications that you must have before filing your trademark with the IMPI

Trademark registration in México estimated time

First, you must be patient, because registering a brand is not something that is done overnight.

First it is presented in the official gazette in which your brand is announced this is like a wedding “If anyone has an objection why this man and this woman should not be wed, speak now or forever hold your peace.”

Time for trademark registration in Mexico
Time for trademark registration in Mexico

Official Gazette Trademark Registration

Other trademarks will have one month to file an objection for one month or any person having similarities or rights to that name

If after one month nobody filed an objection or a corresponding procedure saying that you damaged your trademark or it is similar, your trademark will start to make a procedure before the impi to register it and this is a complex search, phonetic, image and written procedure that will be made by a lawyer of the Mexican government to corroborate that your trademark is unique and not owned by someone else in case someone did not file a brief in the month

Registration of a similar trademark
Registration of a similar trademark

Trademark registration Approved by the IMPI

Once IMPI has done the search and your trademark in Mexico is successful and unique, impi will issue an official statement in which your trademark is successfully registered in Mexico. If your trademark does not comply with the laws of Mexico or is similar to another trademark, you will have a problem that will require a Mexican attorney to file the corresponding brief.

So if you do not have a lawyer you can do it on this page because we have very affordable prices and could save you many problems in the future or spend on lawyers who have no experience because we have more than 10 years with experience

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